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(FAQ) How to Keep Safe From being Banned by the WhatsApp Permanent

WhatsApp company only banned your number when there are many reports are made against your number. In that case, WhatsApp can bann your number, which can be temporary or permanent.

How to Keep Safe From being Banned by the WhatsApp Permanent?
How to Keep Safe From being Banned by the WhatsApp Permanent?
How to keep safe My WhatsApp From being Banned

How to Keep Safe From being Banned By the WhatsApp Permanent?

Introduction - Keep Safe From Banned on WhatsApp

Hello dear friends, I hope everyone is perfectly healthy and strong by the grace and grace of Alhamdulillah. Dear friends, first of all, I would like to welcome you to my website and I am also very grateful to you for using my WhatsApp. Many friends are using myEhsan WhatsApp Plus to benefit from its features. So, well, at least we don't go down without explaining ourselves first, you will find a lot of written information on this topic on the internet and you will also find videos on YouTube. But the real purpose of my post on this topic today is to tell you how people get banned on WhatsApp, even temporarily or permanently. And before continuing, I would like to ask you to download my WhatsApp, that is, Ehsan WhatsApp Plus

Reason For Being WhatsApp Banned

Many of my users sent me emails, they informed me that they were banned and that they can no longer use WhatsApp. so I helped them a lot personally and also publicly. So today I will give you more detailed information on why and what are the major causes of the banned? why your WhatsApp is banned?.

Today I will tell you how you can protect your WhatsApp from being hijacked, which can be permanent or temporary. So first I will tell you how to keep your WhatsApp safe? and then I will tell you how you can unban? it if you have WhatsApp. That is, how can the restrictions that have been imposed on their number be lifted? Now let's move on to today's topic.

First of all, let me tell you what Banned problem is. So I will tell you

What is the solution? WhatsApp number Banned

So the WhatsApp company only banned your number when there are many reports against your number. In that case, WhatsApp can ban your number, which can be temporary or permanent. There are some people who have your number and harass you as if they add you to an unknown group and also inform your number of all the people in the group. If many reports are made against a specific number on time, WhatsApp places it in reviews, then takes note of the activities of that WhatsApp number and prohibits this number as a result of any Policy violation violation. It can happen temporarily or permanently.

How can you protect yourself from being banned?

  • First of all, never join a group that already has members and you don't know them or none of these numbers are on your list of numbers.
  • If someone sends you a link inviting me to join their group, never join that group until you have fully verified what type that group is. and how are the people in it.?
  • Never join a group that includes pornography and other nonsensical posts. Leave this group immediately.
  • Before joining the group, it must be confirmed who is the administrator of this group, where is he from and what is he like? Because many anti-national elements use such groups to spread propaganda against the country. As a result, you could have a rude awakening.
  • Do not share Pornographic Content over the WhatsApp
  • Do chat with unknown numbers.
  • Do not join foreign Groups.
  • Do not use Unofficial WhatsApp.
  • Do not try to play with the Privacy to WhatsApp.
  • Do not receive unethical comments
  • Do not send Viruses 
  • Never Send bomb messages
  • Do not exchange Nudity (Pornographic)

How to Get safe with manual configuration?

Yes, all that sounds nice to me, it seems that WhatsApp is just for me. You can even add your wishes WhatsApp privacy how beautiful it looks even in such a sad time. yes, WhatsApp always works so that the experience of its users improves. If an unknown person wants to add you to a group, he will not be able to add you to any group. just follow me. Or

Follow with the ScreenShots


How to keep safe My WhatsApp From being Banned?
How to keep safe My WhatsApp From being Banned?


How to keep safe My WhatsApp From being Banned?
How to keep safe My WhatsApp From being Banned?


How to keep safe My WhatsApp From being Banned?
How to keep safe My WhatsApp From being Banned?


How to keep safe My WhatsApp From being Banned?
How to keep safe My WhatsApp From being Banned?

Select Your Requirements

How to keep safe My WhatsApp From being Banned?
How to keep safe My WhatsApp From being Banned?

Settings>Account>Privacy> Groups> Select Your Requirements.


Dear friends, these are the settings that allow you to keep your WhatsApp safe from being banned. Now, in the next post, I will tell you how you can appeal to WhatsApp to unbanned your number.

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Here in this article i m going to answer to the most frequently asked questions about whatsapp banned issue. You can get most common reason why whatsapp banned your number?

Is it possible to unbanned WhatsApp number?

Yes, you made certain blunders that resulted in a permanent ban from WhatsApp. you can permanently ban WhatsApp numbers, which can be unbanned/removed from the permanent ban on WhatsApp.

When WhatsApp banned my number?

If your account is banned, you'll see the following message when trying to access WhatsApp: "Your phone number is banned from using WhatsApp. Contact support for help." We ban accounts if we believe the account activity violates our Terms of Service.

How long does WhatsApp take to unban?

It can take up to 24 hours for WhatsApp to unban a number. If you have been banned from using WhatsApp, try contacting the support team for assistance.

Where is WhatsApp banned?

Only five countries in the world have banned WhatsApp in some capacity: China, North Korea, Syria, Qatar and the UAE. Most of those countries ban WhatsApp for security and political reasons, while others want to promote local telecommunication companies.

Chaudhary Ehsan Kamboh
Chaudhary Ehsan Kamboh
A technology enthusiast. Fascinated by technology. Currently, a student of Bs Political Science as well as computer engineering passioned about the Chinese world of Smart Devices and their innovation in the pricing and quality. I like to take photos and venture into natural places