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WhatsApp News: WhatsApp Adding the Ability to Hide Online Status to more People on Android beta

WhatsApp recently introduced the new feature "Who can see you when you are online"? Extending the scope of the Privacy feature, WhatsApp has added it as an experiment for some beta testers. WhatsApp has recently added two new options on the privacy control page for users. WhatsApp Messenger Updated

Read this article to learn more about these two options going forward.

Who Can See You Online On Whatsapp?

WhatsApp News: WhatsApp Hide the Online Status
WhatsApp Hide the Online Status for Android

WhatsApp has added a new feature to its Online privacy. the usage of this feature is very important for WhatsApp users. This feature will be very important if your WhatsApp number has leaked to many people. many people now send you messages when they see you online. In the previous updates, we told you that WhatsApp added a new feature that allows you to control your WhatsApp online status. Further expanding the scope of the same feature, two new options have been added to the WhatsApp beta in the new update.

  1. Everyone
  2. Same as Last Seen

We are going to inform you about these two options in detail.

Everyone - Who Can See You Online:-

When you use WhatsApp's new feature Who Can See You Online On Whatsapp? Choose one of the four options given by:

  1. Everyone
  2. My Contacts
  3. My Contacts Except
  4. Nobody

for more details on these four options How to set up the last seen on WhatsApp?.

Now, in addition to these four options, WhatsApp has added two new features, which are meant to be discussed in today's topic. So when you choose any option from these four options, you need to choose one of the two given options from the below options (required). If you choose "Everyone", the last time you were online is publicly displayed to everyone. All the people who have your WhatsApp number will be able to see you online as long as you are online.

Same as Last Seen - Who Can See You Online On Whatsapp:-

i. Same as Last Seen WhatsApp

By using Same as Last Seen WhatsApp, you can share your last seen with a very different sect or not, or if you choose one of the four above. So your last seen "Online" will show WhatsApp to other people, that is, if you made it Everyone, WhatsApp will show your online status to people who have your number after your last time online as last seen.

ii. My Contact

But if you have ticked the "My Contact" option of WhatsApp, then only the numbers are included in the list of your mobile phone, it will show them your last see and hide it from everyone except them. will

iii. Except for My Contacts

Similarly, if you click on the third option i.e. "Except My Contacts", WhatsApp will not show your last seen to all the WhatsApp contacts you have selected in the list, except those in the list. Shows your last seen to all available numbers.

iv. NoBody

Similarly, if you click on "NoBody", WhatsApp will not show your last scene to anyone whenever you are online. will hide it completely. Whether you are online or offline, no one on WhatsApp will be able to see your last scene.

How to Enable Online Status Update:-

Today we have discussed the new feature released by WhatsApp as a beta tester. WhatsApp released this feature for future updated versions so you can all use this feature if you will be a lucky beta tester! Some of the beta users wouldn't even use this feature also. so we can say you can use this feature in upcoming updates of Whatsapp. If you want to use this picture so you may download WhatsApp gold APK to enjoy the features we have discussed today before the public. 

WhatsApp News: WhatsApp Hide the Online Status
How to enable Privacy Online Status Updates on WhatsApp

If the feature was not available for you, maybe it is finally released to your WhatsApp account today: just check WhatsApp Settings > Account > Privacy. If you see “Last seen and online”, it means you can finally manage who can see when you’re online on WhatsApp! The best guide to configure this feature is available here.

You can experience this feature in a WhatsApp Gold APK which is a WhatsApp Mod.


So guys, today we have discussed a new feature added by WhatsApp in WhatsApp beta version for Privacy Options lucky users. We've talked about the new privacy feature which is who can see you online so we've discussed that WhatsApp has added two options one for everyone and the other the same as in the last scene we've talked about both options in more detail. cover up everything we should talk about.

We want to say that the future we have discussed is not yet being rolled out to the public, which means that some of the lucky beta users will be able to use the feature. We want to think of WhatsApp to add this feature to improve or improve our privacy controls on WhatsApp.

Download WhatsApp Beta

If you ask me my opinion on this feature: I am very satisfied with that update. I will rate 100 percent on my satisfaction with this feature. It will not only protect your online appearance on WhatsApp but also improve your privacy control over your WhatsApp. It will prevent unknown people from bothering you when you connect to your WhatsApp.

Chaudhary Ehsan Kamboh
Chaudhary Ehsan Kamboh
A technology enthusiast. Fascinated by technology. Currently, a student of Bs Political Science as well as computer engineering passioned about the Chinese world of Smart Devices and their innovation in the pricing and quality. I like to take photos and venture into natural places