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Download WhatsApp Gold 2024 Antiban Mod by Abo3rab | WhatsApp Gold APK With Daily Updates

Download WhatsApp Gold 2024 | WhatsApp Gold update APK | WhatsApp Gold 3ssem

Download WhatsApp Gold 2024 Antiban Mod by Abo3rab | WhatsApp Gold APK With Daily Updates
Download WhatsApp Gold 2024 Antiban Mod by Abo3rab | WhatsApp Gold APK With Daily Updates

Download the Latest WhatsApp Gold APK 2024 Antiban Mod by Abo3rab

WhatsApp Gold Apk Latest Update - is an alternative and end-to-end encrypted and safe from hackers. I personally tested whatsapp gold as a secure copy in between the modified copies of WhatsApp available on the internet. WhatsApp Gold Apk - contains lots of features. Golden WhatsApp 11.51 Latest Update

Download WhatsApp Gold 2024 Antiban Mod by Abo3rab

WhatsApp Gold APK is the perfect mod for your use. Besides this, we’ll also guide you through the process of downloading and using WhatsApp Gold APK. This app is not available on the play store, you will have to download it from If you want to know more then kindly read the full article and give us your valuable comment in the comment section. (11.51)

WhatsApp Gold APK:-

Dear friends! Welcome, all of you too. Hopefully, all of you will be very fine! Ma Shaa Allah! WhatsApp gold تحميل, As all of you, know as always we send the latest technology-related information and posts, many third-party WhatsApp is more famous in the market.

So, from this, you will have to guess/estimate that today's topic is some WhatsApp, yeah! you have got right! Today's topic is WhatsApp Gold we will tell you about in detail below.

WhatsApp Gold is a completely free instant messaging application that works on all operating systems such as Android as well as iPhone, Mac, Windows, and Linux devices. It was in the form of shares from the Facebook company that runs it, in addition to the other text that was paid in cash.

Golden WhatsApp came to the most popular social networking platform for users and became used by everyone who has a mobile phone despite the features of WhatsApp, it is restricted and has limitations in some features similar to WhatsApp Golden that we present to you today, which is sure that you will love the application.

WhatsApp Gold Apk with Daily Update

Whatsapp Gold apk is an alternative to official WhatsApp Inc, it has its own many features. it is basically developed by #Abu3rab from Arab. But because of some issues, he stopped developing or updating the Gold Whatsapp. But don't you worry here Assem Mahjoub is for serving you from Yamen he took over the task to update its latest versions according to the market and users' demands. at the beginning of this journey.

It was so hard for him to have updated WhatsApp but he didn't give up and continued working on it! and get success and now his WhatsApp Gold is the number #1 copy from Google as its rating of download and installation is number #1. He added many extraordinary features and most of them it's mobile-friendly apps (No hanging, no freezing)just install and enjoy your journey on this WhatsApp. Now in the market, WhatsApp Gold's latest version 11.51 is released what we are talking about here.

Is WhatsApp Golden APK Safe?

The Golden WhatsApp apk is safe and virus-free, as it has been checked by many workers in the field of data protection, in addition to the fact that the program uses the same servers as WhatsApp, and this ensures that there is no leakage of our data to any third party, and to be reassuring, there is not a single complaint from Before any user of Golden since its launch, then it is 100% safe. WhatsApp gold 3ssem

Download WhatsApp Gold APK 2024 Antiban Mod by Abo3rab

Hey! What do you mean by this question? At first, do not worry and do not rush. Continue to the end - to be frank, after the spread of WhatsApp Plus versions such as WhatsApp Omar and Gold and gb whatsapp, WhatsApp Blue, WhatsApp Red, and others, WhatsApp launched a campaign against users for any modified WhatsApp version and it served as penalties and warnings for the numbers that use WhatsApp modified apk If you own WhatsApp gold, abo Arab during the days of issuing these laws, then 85% of you have certainly been banned and your number has been suspended from the official WhatsApp company.

The penalties for stopping and banning your account in WhatsApp for the numbers that use Gold were very light. It is a ban that starts by preventing you from opening the program for 15 minutes, and the period increases the more you continue. It was applicable to the blue WhatsApp Plus, but I do not confirm, but I am only sure of WhatsApp gold to ask because I was I own my Android phone the golden whatsapp gold apk, but the developer AbuArab quickly responded to that problem and issued a new golden WhatsApp update against the ban, and this latest version against the ban with a direct link from Media Fire is presented to you, and thus, the golden returned.

Explanation of Download Latest WhatsApp Gold APK 2024 Antiban Mod by Abo3rab

WhatsApp has lots of features like other WhatsApp i.e. AGWhatsApp, ER WhatsApp, etc. Ag WhatsApp allows its users to download Statuses, and hide view statuses. custom privacy, and themes store, WhatsApp Gold covers all areas of users' demands.

What do we mean by WhatsApp Gold Apk Daily Updates?

WhatsApp Gold APK Daily Update means: The developer is always trying to work harder and bring new features in WhatsApp Gold update so the app will be more useful for the users. These updates may include BUG FIXES | Enhancement | Security Update | Bann Proof | New features additions and much more. Keeping this in mind you will be now able to get the daily updates of the WhatsApp gold apk from so if you have any error or lag in using the app you can come back to the to download the latest version of the WhatsApp gold and InshaAllah we hope your error will be fixed.!

Advantages of WhatsApp Gold v11.51 Anti-ban and safe from hackers by AbuArab: -  

Features List of Golden WhatsApp

  • Download and save statuses.
  • Privacy for a custom chat.
  • Launch time PIN/Password/fingerprint.
  • Custom themes.
  • You can set custom privacy features on Gold WA. (Last seen, Blue ticks, second ticks, who can call you, who can see you watch someone’s status, set custom privacy for each conversation, security {pin, pattern,} hide conversation name).
  • Anti-ban with proof.
  • Hide Chats with PIN/Password/Fingerprint.
  • 4200+ Themes for WhatsApp Gold.
  • Auto reply to your clients.
  • Schedule message sending to let connect you with your near and dear ones.
  • Backup and Restore feature built-in.
  • Enable a Forward limit of more than 5 persons at a time.
  • Forward messages without forwarding tags.
  • Custom Conversation screen Settings.
  • Custom bubbles styles.
  • Hide the partner's name from the conversation screen.
  • Quick Contact feature.
  • Added 15+ Notification tones built-in WhatsApp.
  • WhatsApp Gold provides you a log system that always tracks your contacts' activities on What's App e.g. Online/Offline time Profile change time. About info changing time.
  • And all the other features that your need.

طرق تثبيت واتساب الذهبي بأمان على هاتفك الذكي

تحظى تطبيقات التواصل الاجتماعي بشعبية كبيرة في الوقت الحالي، ومن بين هذه التطبيقات تطبيق واتساب الذهبي. يعتبر واتساب الذهبي إصدارًا معدلًا من تطبيق واتساب الرسمي، ويتميز ببعض الميزات الإضافية التي يمكن أن تكون مثيرة للاهتمام للعديد من المستخدمين.

مع تزايد شعبية واتساب الذهبي، يبحث الكثيرون عن طرق لتثبيته على هواتفهم الذكية بأمان. لذا في هذا المقال سنقدم لكم بعض الطرق الآمنة لتثبيت واتساب الذهبي على هاتفك الذكي.

1. التأكد من مصدر التطبيق:
من أجل الحفاظ على أمان هاتفك، يجب عليك أن تتأكد من أن تثبيت واتساب الذهبي من مصدر موثوق. يفضل تنزيل التطبيق من الموقع الرسمي الذي يقدم الإصدارات الأصلية والمؤكدة. تجنب تحميل التطبيق من مصادر غير معروفة أو غير موثوقة، حيث يمكن أن يكونوا يستغلون التطبيق للحصول على معلوماتك الشخصية أو التصرف بشكل غير مرغوب فيه.

2. تفعيل ميزة التثبيت من مصادر غير معروفة:
عندما تقوم بتنزيل التطبيق على هاتفك، قد تواجه تحذيرًا يفيد بأن التطبيق من مصدر غير معروف. في هذه الحالة، يجب عليك الذهاب إلى إعدادات الهاتف والبحث عن خيار "السماح بالتثبيت من مصادر غير معروفة". بتفعيل هذا الخيار، ستكون قادرًا على تثبيت واتساب الذهبي من خارج متجر التطبيقات الرسمي.

3. تحديث النظام الأساسي:
قبل تثبيت واتساب الذهبي، يجب التأكد من تحديث نظام التشغيل الأساسي لهاتفك الذكي إلى أحدث إصدار متاح. يعتبر ذلك مهمًا لأن التحديثات الأمنية تساعد في حماية هاتفك من الثغرات الأمنية المعروفة. عادة، يمكنك تحديث نظام التشغيل من إعدادات الهاتف.

4. استخدام برامج المكافحه:
قبل تثبيت واتساب الذهبي، يفضل أن تقوم بتنزيل وتثبيت برنامج مكافحة التطبيقات المضره الموثوقة على هاتفك. هذا سيساعد في رصد وحذف أي تطبيقات ضــارة أو ملفات تجسس قبل أن يتم تثبيتها. يوفر برنامج مكافحة التطبيقات المضره الإمكانية لفحص هاتفك بشكل منتظم وتحديث قاعدة البيانات لضمان حماية كاملة.

5. تثبيت واتساب الذهبي:
بعد أن اتخذت جميع الإجراءات الأمنية، يمكنك الآن تثبيت واتساب الذهبي على هاتفك الذكي. قم بتنزيل الملف المتاح من الموقع الرسمي وانتظر حتى اكتمال عملية التثبيت. قبل أن تبدأ في استخدام التطبيق، قد تحتاج إلى إدخال الرقم الخاص بك وتفعيله كما هو مطلوب.

في الختام، يجب أن نذكر أن واتساب الذهبي هو إصدار معدل من تطبيق واتساب الرسمي، وقد يتم حظر حسابك في حالة استخدام تطبيقات غير رسمية. لذلك فإن استخدام واتساب الذهبي يتطلب الحذر والتبصر قبل تنزيله على هاتفك الذكي، ويجب عليك الالتزام بمبادئ الأمان وعدم مشاركة معلوماتك الشخصية مع أي جهة غير موثوقة.

Pros of WhatsApp Golden Apk added By Aboarab

  • Anti-ban
  • Support on 4.1 and up.
  • Status Downloader
  • Last seen freeze. Online Status
  • Specific Pin/Password for each Conversation.
  • Hide the Important Conversation with PIN/Password.
  • Launch Time PIN/Password/Finger Print lock.
  • Use Multiple Accounts in one WhatsApp
  • Stop From Auto Downloading Media.
  • Allows you to download Custom Auto Download for each conversation Group.
  • Anti-Delete Messages and media.
  • Auto reply
  • Schedule message-sending feature.
  • Download 4200+ Custom Themes.
  • The Urdu language is supported.
  • Pre Urdu Fonts style Added

Disadvantages/Cons of WhatsApp Golden Apk

There are so many websites available on the Internet that only show you the advantages of Penguin WhatsApp. But here we will tell you everything in detail including the Disadvantages of WhatsApp Gold You can learn everything here on so keep exploring EhsanTechCorner and enjoy the information provided by certified Ehsan Kamboh

  • Hiding the last seen you will lose special messages and it might be delayed delivering and receiving messages.
  • I deleted message will not delete from its users so someone's personal information might be leaked and he/she cannot delete and it will be a great loss.
  • If You will be able to delete messages for everyone at any time it might be data damage or a great loss.
  • Customizing the themes might be a source of your WhatsApp communication speed slow.
  • Forwarding messages to more than 5 in official WhatsApp might your WhatsApp account banned by the WhatsApp community.
  • It might be Insecure or easy to hack and steal your precious data.
  • Cannot Connect to Google Drive to make a backup.
  • Ultimately crashing problems
  • The only compatibility to the latest versions features in Gold WA.

WhatsApp Gold is ads-free and is not found in official stores such as Google Play, and other stores because it is known that WhatsApp Gold is considered contrary because it is only a modified program by third-party developers.

How to Download WhatsApp Gold Plus?

You have to do some steps before downloading the WhatsApp Gold app. The link to the gold WhatsApp is given below for the explanation. You have to go down and click on the button given as well as Download WhatsApp Gold apk Then this will redirect you to the media fire to download WhatsApp. You have to do is to again click on the Download button to start downloading.

You will get a notification to Chrome as well as this apk file might harm your mobile, this is only because Gold WhatsApp is not available and also this is normal when we download anything from the outside of the PLAY STORE. Just click on “OK” and your downloading will finally start.

Privacy Features

Privacy Control

Together with all mentioned above, if you install Whats App Gold you will have the ability to control your personal privacy choices. This implies manually regulating whether you are letting your mobile inform others what you are up to or you are online.

Several of the privacy settings are mentioned below;

Being online (Status)

Double tick


Settings of microphone

Status of recording

Status of typing

Messages Scheduling

Freeze last seen

Now you can freeze your online status on WhatsApp Gold easily without knowing your contacts that you are online. In whats-app inc, you can only hide your last seen only while you can not hide your online status. So no one can disturb you even though you are online.


there were fake reporters to report your Num. As accuse you of sending porn graphic content on whats-app groups, or some of them online report your number to ban it, but now we found the solution to protect your account from false reporters or overall protection from Bann. You can learn more about How to Keep Safe From being Banned by WhatsApp? This will help you to stay safe from being banned.

Customize themes

Now can use your favorite theme from the themes store there are more than 4000+ themes available. Download and install default settings or there is an option to customize your favorite settings. (gold settings>Themes>download themes>install>Restart Whats app>OK).

Fonts styles

Now you can change or select your favorite font style for your likes fonts. Now you can use Urdu fonts (JAMEEL NOORI NASTALEELQUE ) so your messages will look more beautiful and awesome.

Difference between Official WhatsApp and WhatsApp Gold Apk

WhatsApp Gold saves its All files in the new folder as WhatsApp Gold. it's fully Anti-ban You Can SAVE status video pictures. As it is a mod apk so, you cannot back up your WhatsApp data on your google drive.

You can see who got online. At what time? and also you can hide your last seen. even if you're online but it will show a long time ago last see. YOU CAN EVEN CHANGE THEMES, WALLPAPER, AND FULL INTERFACE. You can set Auto reply, schedule messages, and send bomb messages. All messages cannot delete after deletion for everyone from your friend.

You can delete messages for everyone for up to 100 years!;

Other unique features to help improve your WhatsApp Gold experience

1. Disable Automatic Download WhatsApp gold:-

WhatsApp Gold - This Gold feature can save internet usage if you don't want to download all kinds of files while using mobile internet or WiFi then go to data and storage usage in the setting section and in this section go to when using mobile data or when connected to a network Wi-Fi or both In this section you can enable or disable the automatic download options for images, audio, videos, and documents so that these files can only be downloaded manually and only with the consent of the user.

2. Reduce the use of WhatsApp Gold Internet:-

WhatsApp Gold - WhatsApp Gold voice and video calls consume a lot of internet but by using this Gold feature you can reduce the volume of these calls when connected to the mobile internet to do this go to the data and storage usage section in the setting section and at the bottom of it you can see the low data usage option Which by activating it reduces the use of the mobile Internet during voice and video calls.

3. View detailed internet usage statistics in Gold Plus:-

WhatsApp Gold - This Gold feature allows you to access the Internet usage statistics in WhatsApp separately to do in the setting section and then data and storage usage see the network usage section in this section you can see the amount of Internet consumed for sections such as calls, messages, and other items, unfortunately, does not provide This section statistics about mobile Internet and Wi-Fi separately.

4. View the size occupied by contacts in WhatsApp Gold:-

In the Setup section, then Data and Storage usage, you can go to the Storage usage section and see how much gadget memory is occupied by files sent from your contacts. By clicking on any of these contacts or groups, you will see the statistics of this occupied space separately.

5. Delete messages sent in WhatsApp Gold by contacts:-

WhatsApp Gold - In addition to displaying these statistics it is also possible to delete this content after following the steps in the previous feature You can click on the icon of the desired group or contact and at the bottom select the option to manage messages by doing this You can enable options related to different contents to click on Clear Messages to clear all this huge content.

6. Protect WhatsApp Gold and activate two-step verification:-

WhatsApp Gold - By default to using WhatsApp Gold you must enter your mobile phone number to send a PIN to your phone but if you want to increase the security of your account it is better to enable two-step authentication, two-step verification, or two-factor authentication to do this enter the two-step verification section From the Setup and Account section in this section, you can select a 6-digit code and when you use the WhatsApp Gold account in the new tool, you will be asked to enter this code. You must also write your email address so that the required number will be sent to your email when you forget this code.

7. Why WhatsApp Plus Gold WhatsApp Gold Abu Arab?

WhatsApp Gold - You can use any version of WhatsApp Plus that you want, and you can read the features of any version and learn about it and the developer of the version by browsing the articles of your blog www.3hsan com Dear visitor, which offers all versions of WhatsApp Plus to all developers and all that are safe and anti-ban copies in addition to That is, you can try what you want and download for free and with a direct link, but we recommend this version of WhatsApp Gold because as we know that the WhatsApp versions provided by the developer Assem Mahgoob are light and smooth, which cannot cause any slowdown or heaviness in the system or even the collapse of the WhatsApp Gold application.

WhatsApp Gold v11.51 Anti-ban and safe from hackers attack by Abu Arab is safe from hackers attack and fully secured WhatsApp

What's new in WhatsApp Golden v11.51?

  • Update WhatsApp base to
  • Improved anti-ban protection
  • Improve device connectivity
  • Improved privacy reset option
  • Improved the story view feature and fixed some bugs
  • Add effects to chat (you can choose effects from the gold settings)
  • Add effects to chats (you can choose effects from the gold settings)
  • Added option to hide profile icon from chats
  • Added an icon to control night mode from the home screen + an option to hide/show the icon
  • Add a floating button in the multi-tasking conversation (you can activate it from the gold settings, then the conversation screen)
  • Add a button to go to the first message in the conversation
  • Added an option to hide the Go to First Message button in the conversation
  • Added an option to hide the Go to latest message button in the conversation.
  • Add more languages ​​when translating a message
  • Ability to customize color for groups in chat screen
  • Ability to customize the color of group lists in the chat screen
  • Ability to customize the color of names in the chat screen
  • Ability to customize the color of read messages in the conversations screen
  • Ability to customize the color of unread messages in the conversations screen
  • Fixed the issue of blue ticks appearing in ghost mode when you are in a conversation
  • Fix story sharing not showing up when redirecting
  • One UI screen repair
  • Fix archived chat color
  • Fix copying part of message when selecting media message
  • Fixed the option seen in the conversation
  • Fixed the option seen in the story (eye icon)
  • Fix the color of the auto send message icon in the conversation
  • Fix hide reading tray
  • Fix emoji window theme
  • Fix not enabling option to show last seen in chats automatically
  • Fixed options to hide recent chats & contacts & most used when forwarding a message
  • Fix Disable Auto-Download Media Options
  • Fixed the issue of not changing the colors of the top bar icons in hidden chats
  • Fix translation into Turkish
  • Fixed some issues in fonts section
  • More fixes and other improvements
  • التحديث لنسخة الماركت
  • حصريا إصلاح الحظر وتنبيه يجب استخدام الواتساب الرسمي
  • ميزة البحث عن الرسائل داخل المحادثة حسب التاريخ والوقت
  • ارسال مقطع صوتي للاستماع لمرة واحدة
  • ظهور التاريخ والاسم بشكل تلقائي عند نسخ اكثر من رسالة
  • طريقة جديد لعرض وتطبيق الخطوط
  • خيار الرجوع الى الواجهة الرئيسية القديمة(طلب من المتابعين)
  • إخفاء صحين القراءة
  • الانتقال الى رسالة خاطئة عند التنقل بين الرسائل في اي محادثة
  • طلب القفل مرتين في المحادث
  • عدم القدرة على فتح الوسائط اذا ارسلت للمشاهدة لمرة واحدة
  • إخفاء انك شاهدت الحالة عند تفعيل وضع الشبح
  • خيار ظهور النقطة الخضراء في حال اصبح احد ما متصل
  • عدم تطبيق الثيم في نافذة الايموجي
  • عدم تطبيق الخطوط في بعض الواجهات
  • عدم فتح المحادثات المخفية في بعض الاشكال
  • بعض خيارات الالوان لا تعمل
  • لون ايقونات الشاشة الرئيسية
  • استعادة النسخة الاحتياطية من الذاكرة
  • إصلاحات وتحسينات أخرى

Mod Information of WhatsApp Gold v11.51 By AbuArab 2024

App name

WhatsApp AbuArab | واتساب ابو عرب

Package name




Mod by


The last Update checked on

1 hour ago

Alternative Apps

Download WhatsApp Abu3rab

Download Latest WhatsApp Gold APK 2024 Antiban Mod by Abo3rab WA2_Abo3rab v11.51

App name

WhatsApp Gold | واتساب الذھبی ابوعرب

Package name




Mod by


The last Update checked on

1 hour ago

Alternative Apps

Download WhatsApp Gold Abu3rab

Download WhatsApp Plus Gold

Download WhatsApp Plus Blue Abu Arab WA4_Abo3rab v11.51 against the ban

App name

WhatsApp Blue | واتساب الذھبی ابوعرب

Package name




Mod by


The last Update checked on

1 hour ago

Alternative Apps

Download WhatsApp Blue Abu3rab

Download WhatsApp Blue From MediaFire

Download WhatsApp Red 2023 Abu Arab WA3_Abo3rab v11.51 latest version against the ban

App name

WhatsApp Red | واتساب الاحمر ابو عرب

Package name




Mod by


The last Update checked on

1 hour ago

Alternative Apps

Download WhatsApp Red Abu3rab

Download WhatsApp Red From MediaFire

Download WhatsApp Plus Green Abu Arab WA_Abo3rab v11.51, the official alternative, the latest version, against the ban 2024

App name

WhatsApp Plus | وتساب بلس ابو عرب

Package name




Mod by


The last Update checked on

1 hour ago

Alternative Apps

Download WhatsApp Plus Abu3rab

Download WhatsApp Plus From MediaFire

Click here to Download WhatsApp Black a new version against Viruses

Discover the Secret of WhatsApp Customization

Did you know you can easily change the themes and colors of your WhatsApp toolbar and status bar without any hassle? With a few simple steps, you can personalize all the settings to your liking. Here’s how you can enhance your WhatsApp experience:

  • Custom Privacy Settings: Set your privacy preferences exactly how you want them. Control who can see your information and interact with you.
  • Custom Tick Styles: Tired of the standard WhatsApp ticks? Change the styles to something that suits your taste.
  • Call Restrictions: Don’t want to receive calls? Set up your WhatsApp so that no one can call you.
  • Hide Last Seen: Stay online but keep your last seen status unchanged. Appear offline even when you’re actively using WhatsApp.
  • Extended Status Duration: Wish to post a status longer than 30 seconds? You can extend your status duration effortlessly.
  • Save Anyone's Status: Easily save statuses from your contacts without them knowing.
  • Invisible Status Viewing: View others' statuses without notifying them. Maintain your privacy while staying informed.
  • Conversation Privacy: Set specific privacy settings within individual conversations.
  • Prevent Message Deletion: If someone deletes a message for everyone, ensure it stays visible to you.
  • Delete Messages Anytime: Delete messages for everyone even after a long time has passed – up to 100 years!

And that's just the beginning! Explore these features and more to make your WhatsApp experience truly your own.

How to register WhatsApp Gold Apk?

  1. Make a backup copy of messages and delete the application.
  2. Download WhatsApp Gold with the direct link.
  3. After downloading WhatsApp Gold, install the application.
  4. You will find the option to back up your WhatsApp.
  5. Click on it and then register the number and do "Done".
  6. And wait for the activation and then complete the rest of the normal options.

This file may contain viruses/malware, please do not download the file. "This is a notification normal from the Chrome browser. it is an alert to the users of Google to avoid downloading apps and installing them outside of the Play Store. But in this article, all the links provided by are 100% safe and viruses free. You can enjoy WhatsApp Gold apk without any problem.

Final Words

Unlike other play store apps, this app does not notify you when the version is updated. The old version will have to be uninstalled before the new one can be installed. So what are you waiting for? Download the latest version of Whatsapp Gold Apk and start enjoying premium features.

If you get any issues downloading this app from our website, you can leave a comment below. We are always there for you all the time. Moreover, don’t forget to share this article with your friends on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and many more. That’s it for today, guys; see you at the next one. Thank You! Here I gave WhatsApp Gold to You, this is an official WhatsApp Gold by Abuarab. other than our website you will find WhatsApp Gold with a fake copy of WhatsApp rather than 3hsan and 3hsan but they would not be official WhatsApp Gold. this is totally free of cost. please type your feedback if you found any issues...

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions by Gold WA Users

WhatsApp Gold APK or Golden WhatsApp

WhatsApp Gold and Golden WhatsApp are two NAMES of the popular messaging app that have lots of things in common, we can call them WhatsApp Gold

How to install WhatsApp Plus?

To be able to install WhatsApp Plus on your smartphone, you have to go to WhatsApp or your usual client and create backup of your conversations from Settings. (Settings > Chats > Backup and Restore) That’s only if you want to keep them for your new WhatsApp Plus, of course.

How to use WhatsApp Gold? and how it works?

WhatsApp’s interface is split into different sections or tabs that can be easily explored from the app’s upper section and swiping the screen left or right: Chats, Status, and Calls. This upper menu also offers us a camera on the left hand side. It’s a shortcut to the our device’s camera so we can take a photo or record a video and share it immediately with any of our contacts.

Left-handby left-hand Is WhatsApp Gold safe

To the date, there’s no information about this app hiding malware or going against the users’ privacy in any possible manner. However, that doesn’t mean that WhatsApp is a 100% safe application. In fact, there’s no such thing as a software development that is 100% safe.

How to update WhatsApp Gold Apk?

Updating WhatsApp isn’t carried out like the rest of the applications that we usually install through the Google Play Store. We’ll offer you several methods to update your app but before you start you should think about creating a backup of your conversations if you want to keep them, which you probably want to do. When updating, chats are usually kept but you’re better off being cautious.

How to hide/freeze the last seen for a particular contact?

You can hide or freeze your last seen or online status for a special contact whom you do not want to show it. Settings > Account > Privacy > Last seen > My contacts except > Now select your contacts whom want to hide your last seen. You can learn more deeply about the online privacy from the new udpate news.

How do hide a Profile Pic for a specific contact?

You can hide your profile picture for a particular person on your WhatsApp. that selected contact won't be able to see your profile picture. Settings > Account > Privacy > Profile Photo > My contacts except > Now select your contacts whom want to hide your profile picture. You can learn about it in more details for future updates from here

Chaudhary Ehsan Kamboh
Chaudhary Ehsan Kamboh
A technology enthusiast. Fascinated by technology. Currently, a student of Bs Political Science as well as computer engineering passioned about the Chinese world of Smart Devices and their innovation in the pricing and quality. I like to take photos and venture into natural places